Monday, December 25, 2017

A Christmas Gift


First of all, I would like to thank each and every one of you, readers and followers, who every day stop by my little corner of the web to read me. When I started this blog, I honestly didn't think it would be as it is today. Let’s keep sharing our passion for books and stories, and discovering new literary gems! A giant THANK YOU for your interest and your support. It means the world to me!

So, today is Christmas, and that means that we have a reason for great joy. 

"Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord." (Luke 2:11).

We remember the day hope was born to all of us, in the form of our Lord Jesus Christ, who came to give us the most precious gift of all. An eternity with Him. I know not all of you out there celebrate Christmas, but I also know about struggle, pain, disappointment, sadness, and every situation out there that makes us want to give up every single day. Sometimes it seems that it is never going to end, isn't it? Well, today, in this day of joy, I want to tell you what God has put in my heart. He's bigger than any situation that you are going through, and wants to help you and be with you. That's why He came to the Earth as a human being. To give His life for you, to SAVE you, and after that, He won't ever abandon you, because you were (and are) worth the ultimate sacrifice. That's His promise.

If you were hoping for a sign this Christmas, let it be this one. Today, God is telling you that you matter. You are worthy of love. If you are in desperate need of hope, and are going through a difficult time, when only a miracle will do, I sincerely encourage you to open your heart to the Lord, be honest about how you feel, and give Him your burdens, so He can work His miracle in your life. 

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28)

He's looking for you. He’s waiting for you. He has a plan for you, a unique contribution to this world only you can bring, a reason why you were born in this century, in your corner of the world, with your body type, your talents, and around the people you have met, and will meet. He’s seen your pain, it didn’t take Him by surprise, and He wants to help you. He has the perfect outcome for it, and can work a miracle in your life to turn it upside down, in ways you couldn’t even imagine. He sees the bigger picture, and knows you better than anyone. Let go of your anger, your fear, and your worries, because He has already won, and is GREATER than any situation you are going through. And He wants you to walk holding His hand and accepting Him as your guide, your Light through any darkness. 

We always feel that we can’t handle our problems. They feel like a giant stepping on a bug, right? At least, that’s how I feel it every time I’m overwhelmed by obstacles and difficulties. But we need to know and remember, every single day, that He is bigger than those giants. For Him, they are the bugs He can step on, and that’s hope for us. If you feel ignored, frustrated and abandoned, alone in a growing blackness, let me tell you, He hasn’t forgotten about you. He LOVES you. No matter where you are, both physically and spiritually, it is always the right time to say yes to Him, and accept Him as Savior and Father. And no, I’m not talking about a religion, but a friendship. A deep, meaningful relationship that will transform you, fulfill you and nourish you in the best possible way.

Thank you for stopping by to read, and mostly, for your respect. I know that not all of you out there celebrate Christmas, so I appreciate it, it is the most precious gift you can give me, today, and every day. I sincerely hope the Lord can talk to you through this, and help you become your best possible version. We, as Christians, believe the Lord is always a necessity, and I just hope you can experience His love and power, to change your life for the better. Because, no matter how it is now, it can always be better in the Lord. 

Merry Christmas, and may the Lord’s blessing rain over you!


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you, God placed this in my heart and I had to post it. Nothing is small for Him to make a miracle out of it. I'm glad I could share this.
